So many firsts this past month! You are growing so much. You weigh 14lbs. You had your first big trip when you and Mommy flew to see Bo and Lodie! You did so great on the planes and were such a happy girl smiling at everyone. You had so much fun at Bo and Lodie's! You swam, swung with Lodie, read books, and just played and played. You missed your daddy but gave him lots of smiles and laughs over FaceTime. Dr. Sam suggested to see how you did with solid foods and hesaid he thought you were going to love them...I don't know how he knew but you are such a great eater! You took to it right away and have never looked back! Lots of first foods this month: rice cereal, zucchini, avocado, green beans, bananas, pears, sweet potato, and butternut squash! You love them all! You have definitely found your voice and love to scream - for no reason at all. You can be SO loud. Oh my! You are determined to crawl and are so so close. You scoot everywhere right now but are sure there's a better way to get around. We're going to be chasing you before we know it. Fitz is still one of your favorite things. You love to watch him and just laugh and laugh. Now that you are scooting you are determined to play with him...he's not so sure how he feels about you being mobile yet....! You are close to sitting up and mommy and daddy are determined to help you learn that, but you'd rather practice crawling! You are loving Sophie the giraffe and chew on her all day...teeth are probably coming soon. You still love to jump, jump, jump but also love to play with toys while you scoot around. Your personality is starting to shine through and you are so sweet and have so much determination to learn new things! We love you sweet girl.