Friday, May 13, 2016

Stevie - Two Months

My sweet Stevie, you are two months old! I can't believe how fast you are growing. You weigh 10lbs 1 oz and are 21.5 inches long! You are so strong and almost have complete control of your head! When you get frustrated you like to push up with your legs and stand up. You love to eat, hate to be burped, and have the most dramatic cry for when we burp you. The very best is when we walk in to get you after a nap and you smile so big at us! You have laughed once and we can't wait to hear it again. You have so much to say and love to coo and talk with your toys and us. You love when we read and love to be carried around so you can look at everything! You are such a great sleeper and have even slept 8 hours straight a few nights! You have discovered your hands and love to chew on them. You are starting to grab everything you can get your hands on- including mommy's hair! You bring so much joy to our lives. 



Stevie - One Month

Sweet Stevie. I cannot believe you are already a whole month old! You have changed our lives forever! You weigh 8.6 lbs and are getting so big! You are so strong and lift your head up all the time. You try to be such a helper with your hands in the middle of everything! Your smile has made a few appearances and our hearts melt every time. You are starting to coo and love to play on your activity mat. We love every minute with you!!

Stevie - Newborn

We had someone come to the house and take Stevie's newborn pictures when she was just a week old! She peed on me and her Lodie, but it was worth all the cute pictures we were able to get!

Stevie Tay Hogan's Birth Story

I wanted to write my birth story, not only so I remember the small details that may fade over time, but so that Stevie can read it one day! So, if you're not into birth stories - fair warning!

Friday, March 11, 2016 I called my Dr.'s office because Stevie wasn't moving quite as much as she had been. The nurse I talked to told me I needed to eat more sugar! Whatever the Dr. says! She had me eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, drink a glass of juice, and lie down on the couch and count movements. Stevie perked right up after my sugary snack so they nurse said there was no need to come in.

That night I was too tired to cook so Aubrey and I went out to eat at our favorite Mexican place. We ordered two bowls of queso (per my request) and ate every drop of it! Little did we know this would be our last night out as a family of two!

I woke up Saturday morning (March 12th) at 7:30 with what I was pretty sure were contractions. I laid there for an hour to see if they would go away, they did not. At 8:30 I got out of bed and told Aubrey that I was pretty sure I was having contractions. He quickly woke up. He had been planning on going on a hike that morning and asked if he could go do that really quick, I told him no. :) I got in the shower to see if moving around would make the contractions stop. After my shower I was pretty positive I was in labor. I started timing my contractions. I was having them every 4-5 minutes but they were only lasting for about 30-45 seconds. I called my Dr. to tell her what was going on. She suggested that I stay at home until they were lasting a bit longer and were strong enough that they stopped me in my tracks. She also suggested I eat something since it may be awhile before I ate again.

Aubrey made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and started cleaning things up around the house. He did a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, took out the trash, and loaded the car up with all of our stuff for the hospital!

About 30 minutes after I got off the phone with the Dr my contractions were 4 minutes apart, lasting for a minute, and were definitely stopping me in my tracks. I told Aubrey it was time to go!

I got in the front seat of the car and tried to push the seat back, it didn't budge. I quickly realized that though we had installed the base of our carseat awhile back, we had never clicked the carseat in! Now that the carseat was clicked in we realized that the front passenger seat had to be pushed up pretty far to accomadate the carseat in the back! I had a slight panic attack about that that included phrases like, "We've already outgrown this car and she isn't even here yet!" and "What kind of parents don't check that the carseat fits in the car?!" The pain of contractions quickly diverted my attention back to the matter at hand!

We arrived at the hospital around 10am. The parking spots they have reserved for families getting checked into labor and delivery were all filled up so Aubrey had to drop me off at the door and go find a spot. I made my way up to the labor and delivery floor and told the nurses my name. They said that my Dr. had called to let them know I may be showing up, but they didn't expect me for a while. I told them things had progressed faster than I thought!

They got me hooked up to the monitors to check my contractions and checked to see how dilated I was. I was 6cm. After a few minutes they declared that I was in active labor and got me ready to go to my delivery room. They asked if I wanted a wheel chair or if I wanted to walk up to the room. I chose to walk. That walk felt like the longest walk ever! I kept having to stop and breathe through the contractions. I don't know why I thought it would all get better when I got to my room, but I just wanted to get there!

Once we got to the room the nurses got my IV port put in. They didn't hook me up to fluids or anything, but told me they had to put it in just in case. After what felt like forever they IV was finally in. (I am told it only took a few minutes!) Aubrey turned on my pumped up labor playlist that I had made. I only remember hearing 'Good Life' by OneRepublic, but I know some others played.

Our room was in "Waterworld" which meant it had a Jacuzzi tub. After the IV was in I got in the tub to help with the pain. The first few contractions seemed more manageable in the tub, but then things got much more intense. After 10-15 minutes of super intense contractions I told Aubrey I wasn't sure I could do it. He told me to wait 10 more minutes cause then the nurses were going to get me out of the tub and check my progress. I pushed through for 10 more minutes and the last contraction in the tub I felt the urge to push. I told my nurses that and they got me out to check me.

They checked me and told me I was almost at a 10 and that if I felt the urge to push to go for it. I had them pull the back of the bed up and leaned my head and arms on it and was on my knees on the bed. After two or three contractions like that, with pushing, my water broke.

After my water broke they called the Dr. and had me turn around and start pushing. I held Aubrey's hand (and nearly crushed it apparently) After what felt like forever (but was apparently 15 minutes...) I pushed and her head came out! I opened my eyes, which had been closed the whole time in concentration to see her! At 12:41pm I pushed one more time and there she was. They placed her on my chest and she was perfect.

They asked Aubrey if he wanted to cut the cord, he said no (which was totally fine by me!) and I did too. I was too busy checking out our beautiful girl!

She opened her eyes immediately and was so alert the whole day. I was exhausted but so happy. My voice was hoarse the next two days from all the grunting and screaming that was apparently one of my coping mechanisms! The other things that got me through was repeating the phrase in my mind "You were made to do this!" Aubrey was super supportive and encouraged me to push through when I wanted to quit and get the epidural. I am thankful he suggested waiting 10 minutes!

It was definitely a fast and furious process that was primal and beautiful all at the same time.