My sweet Stevie, you are two months old! I can't believe how fast
you are growing. You weigh 10lbs 1 oz and are 21.5 inches long! You are so strong and almost have complete control of
your head! When you get frustrated you like to push up with your legs
and stand up. You love to eat, hate to be burped, and have the most
dramatic cry for when we burp you. The very best is when we walk in to
get you after a nap and you smile so big at us! You have laughed once
and we can't wait to hear it again. You have so much to say and
love to coo and talk with your toys and us. You love when we read and
love to be carried around so you can look at everything! You are such a
great sleeper and have even slept 8 hours straight a few nights! You
have discovered your hands and love to chew on them. You are starting to
grab everything you can get your hands on- including mommy's hair! You
bring so much joy to our lives.
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