Friday, June 20, 2014

Five Years

Today marks our FIVE year anniversary! I can't believe its been that long since we walked the aisle together. Every moment has been an adventure with my best friend and I am so grateful to get to walk through this crazy life with him. 

I promise we will break our blogging silence soon with LOTS of updates - sorry to be mysterous and ambiguous but once we have news worth sharing you will hear it. Lots of things have been and still are up in the air. I am ready to have something concrete to share but until then silence will remain. 

But for today we celebrate. We celebrate the ups and downs, the love, joy, laughter, and even arguments that got us here. What an adventure these past five years have been. 

Three apartments. 
One cross-country move
One business started. 
One house. 
Many friendships built
Many variations of hair styles!
One journey to our kids started...
All this and more equals five crazy, wonderful, blessed years of our life.

Here's to many many more to come!